FDA Rescinds Ban on Juul Vaping Products

The agency stated that “scientific issues warranted additional review.”

The Food and Drug Administration announced the reversal of the Juul vaping product ban. The agency rescinded the marketing denial order from 2022 and changed Juul’s status “to pending status, under substantive review.“

“This action is being taken, in part, as a result of the new case law, as well as the FDA’s review of information provided by the applicant,” the FDA stated. “Rescission of the MDOs is not an authorization or a denial and does not indicate whether the applications are likely to be authorized or denied.”

The agency said that the original ban was placed since Juul’s applications for its products “lacked sufficient evidence regarding the toxicological profile of the products to demonstrate that the marketing of the products met the public health standard required by law.”

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For FDA officials as they review the safety and toxicology of the vaping products.
  • For HHS Secretary Becerra to be discerning as he oversees the federal health department and all its agencies.

Sources: UPI, CNN


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